Rules to follow for each designer


Manufacturer’s line

Maker’s Row is an online marketplace that connects U.S. manufacturers with small and medium-sized businesses. In addition to being a great resource for finding local producers, they also have great content from industry news ranging from fashion, manufacturing, entrepreneurship and more.

Fashion bustle (BoF)

We can’t post on Top 10 blogs and Instagram Every designer should follow without mentioning The Business of Fashion (B0F). BoF is an important daily resource for all things in the fashion industry. From new designers, new trends and fashion careers, BoF is a must for everyone!

Pattern clock

If you are obsessed with textiles and patterns like us, you will love Pattern Observer. They provide a huge amount of information about the textile industry. We know this isn’t your typical fashion inspiration resource, but National Geographic is a great place to go if you want to be inspired by the wonders of the world we live in. These beautiful pictures affected many of the prints and silhouettes of the clothes we made. We recommend checking her Instagram page every day for amazing photos that will definitely impress.

A sartorialist blog bridges the gap between fashion and street fashion to create “a two-way dialogue about the fashion world and its relationship to everyday life.” At JLD Studios, we strive to bring fashion within everyone’s reach, and this blog is a great example of how we incorporate fashion into our daily lives.

Not everyone was fit to be their own boss. So if there’s a place to consider before you get all the earned and go to the nearest bank for a loan, it’s to do a self-assessment and find out why you want to run your own business. How prepared are you for this and where do you receive ongoing support? Once you understand yourself, your motivation, strengths and weaknesses will give you a clearer picture of how well you fit into the role of complacency and what it is plus and minus.

Not everyone wants to be a fashion designer. And because fashion has many roles to play to form a long career, it has much to offer young talent looking for more than just life than design.

In an interview this month, Larissa Lima gives us a glimpse of what inspired her to choose fashion journalism as her career, what it’s like to work in fashion, and tips for success in fashion media.

How would you describe yourself as a fashion editor?
First of all, I love writing! That’s why I call myself a passionate writer. My ability as a writer is to be versatile. Thanks to my career, I have worked in fashion, beauty, marketing, culture and lifestyle. All these segments are so important because they make my writing skills more enriching.

Everday is an opportunity to take another step towards becoming your dream fashion designer. This post is based on our free course, advice and guidance on choosing a career as a fashion designer. Read it and learn about certain steps you can take over the next 12 months to get a better idea of what fashion work does.

Here’s a list of things you can do next year to get closer to your dreams. All these steps are possible. In other words, you can do it. If you sign up for a free course, you can also upload the list to a Word document and use it as an activity designer.